Support Forum

Right now I use a Facebook commenting plugin.
I love that readers can easily leave a comment, it includes their name and image, and they don't have to sign up for my site (though I encourage them to). It's great for encouraging people to leave comments.
I'm leaning toward getting Simple:press for our forums - but would love the same functionality. It would be cool if people could just post, through facebook, without having to log in or register on my site. I want it super easy for drive-by readers to post (and it's easy to control spam through facebook).
Is there any way to do that with Simple:press?

PS: looks like you use gravatar for that here, but my readers are mostly not tech savvy and are mostly unlikely to have gravatar accounts.
registration, users and logins are the realm of wordpress.. we just use what they provide... wp supports gravatars, of course, so it carries over to the forum as well...
there are many wp plugins out there that support third party registration/login... grab one of those to handle the users and that will carry over to the forum... again, we just use what the wp site has...
we do offer janrain (rpx) third party registration as part of our forum, but not sure how long that will be supported since there are wp plugins for doing the same...
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