Support Forum
Hi all,
Been using your forum for a while, will confess my membership has expired but I am happy to renew that's not a problem just wanted to check before payment if you could help with this observation.
We have a multisite and the forum is on one of the sites. It am making this site https due to upcoming google changes however we have gained a great deal of links to us over the years and I am worried about the functionality as I can see the same issue on your site here.
Over https everything is great but when landing on the site in http the css isn't loading properly and the forum is unusable. I have added a click here to reload the page with a simple link to the forum main page but this navigates them away from the story they were trying to read. Can you recommend a solution? even if a simple .htaccess rule?
not sure what you mean by see same issue here??? yes, we use ssl here, but clearly the site loads properly including css???
we have many, many users who run ssl (https) with their sites and simple press... we support ssl...
have you configured your wp site properly? wordpress will auto redirect and http site requests to https...
after setting it up, you would go to forum - integration - page and permalink and update the permalink to get it centered on https... you may also need to adjust a couple urls on forum - options - general setting and forum- component - login and registration..
there is one minor issue with uploaded images... they are stored with the current scheme at the time of upload... so a simple search and replace of post content of your site with http to https with fix those images... we have a ticket to investigate not storing the images with the schema to improve that...
if your theme, widgets or other plugins have hard coded urls rather than using the WP api to get the schema, you may need to correct those as well...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Forgive me if I was unclear.
The site runs https fine no issues.
I was navigated to your forum earlier from an external link. This external link was coded as http not https
If you click on this link you will see the forum does not automatically redirect to https and the layout doesn't load properly. Like us any external hard coded links to your site would lead to a poor user experience and if the visitor doesn'tt know to change to https (and just clicked refresh) the problem remains.
interesting.. it used to... and one can see the rest of the site
I see its throwing various js errors so perhaps that is happening before wp does the redirect.. dont know... we will have to check into it... thanks...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
just added a simple rewrite to .htaccess...
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?simple-press\.com$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L,NE]
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World