Support Forum
sounds like a js conflict or some error being thrown... you should check your php error log... there are no known bugs here or similar reports...
for detailed support, please open a topic in the support forum...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I tried disabling every plugin and it didn't help, I also checked the error logs... there are no errors in there.
Assuming this worked - and your first post suggests it just stopped working - then the real question is - what changed? The code, I assume, didn't change so there must have been some change to the website code base that caused a problem. Plugin or theme related. And t would be almost certainly be a javascript conflict so what you really need to check is the browser console for script errors.
The weird thing is, we cloned the website to a different subdomain for testing and it works fine there...
There are no errors in the console.
The only code change we've made to was to the reboot theme, in the file spFunctions.php we changed one value from true to false and when reverting this, it doesn't resolve the issue. The change was:
if (!defined('SP_TOOLTIPS')) define('SP_TOOLTIPS', false);
I've tried all of these options in various setups, none of them change anything in how the forum loads (it loads the same from a visual aspect in every instance)
I've also tried useing the housekeeping cache flushing:
function autooptimize_no_js_optimization(){
if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/forum/')!==false) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
I ran a compare of both folders and found:
On the left is the "live" site/forum and on the right is the "test" site/forum.
- The zip archives in the install folder don't seem to make a difference if I remove them.
- The ZeroClipboard.swf in the parent theme's javascript doesn't seem to make a difference if i remove it.
Now onto those that .js and the .css file, I assume the error comes around from the desktop-footer.js folder file not being created... why is this, I told it to rebuild the css and js cache but it fails to make it?
You've then surely got to ask why isn't the test site generating cached copies for the mobile & tablet views and also for the desktop header....
However, when I copy the two files from the test site to the live site and change the url (remove the subdomain and the first period it still fails to work.
sounds like permissions... can the web user create files (or access) in that directory?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
What do you mean by "web user"?
If I check the Storage Locations, all folders exist and all folders can write.
That's not always 100% accurate - an issue with the permissions as opposed to php. In this case the 'web user' would, I believe, be you although I am sure @mr-papa will correct me if he really meant an end-user.
web user is really the apache user on the system... it can be different based on flavor of php in use... and thus the needed user and group permissions.. I cant read the images you referenced, but they dont seem to show the uid or gid permissions...
but have you tested with the caches turned off??? forum - options - general settings
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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