Support Forum
hello all
i found a bug in private messaging system!
add smile to editor is not working in pm system
please test and fix it in new release
interesting... it does seem that smileys in PMs has stopped working... will open a ticket and investigate it... thanks...
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Can you please share the log file of ALL new versions of below plugins? Thank you
Private Message System
Print Topic
Editor TinyMCE Rich Text
change log files on release of new versions simple press plugins etc. Also i notice that, "Jump to page" feature in new simple press version 5.7.3 is not work well.
Hope you will guide me about above points. Thank you
Thanks - I will get the jump to page looked at.
As to change logs - we do not issue separate change logs for each plugin - but changes for all plugins are listed in the version change logs that you can view in the forum admin toolbox.
jump to page seems working fine... can you clarify which page view? also, if using the combined js cache, perhaps try clearing it on forum - toolbox - housekeeping...
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