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strange? no... why do you think its too large? its going to have one row for every member... have you optimized it recently (a task that should be done on all tables at least weekly)?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
because in the simple press 4.5 table's size is 5 - 7 Mb and when i upgrade simple press to version 5.0, size of sfmember tables is going large and larger everyday (up to 100 Mb).
every day new members join us and the size of the table going large and larger
I don't think this is anything out of the ordinary. Are you optimising it regularly?
yes i do everything correctly.
i repair DB weekly and remove unread user's post.
i cant understand meaning of optimize that you said.
can you tell the size of your sfmember tables, please? (with 7000 members)
I'm not really a database guy but I think you can run something like MySQL Optimise..
database optimization is standard, regular and routine operation that should be run at least weekly otherwise mysql tables end up with wasted overhead... you can do it from phpmyadmin or many wp plugins offer the same ability...
not sure why the size of our sfmembers table matters to you, but its 11MB...
looks like you have 5600+ users too... so next step if you are still concerned would be to figure out which columns are using the most space...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
sorry, no image attached... the auths column is a cache of a users permissions to great increase forum loading time... the more forums you have and the more forum permissions you have, the larger will be... could be a cache per user that has visited the forum recently... you can clear the cache on forum - toolbox - housekeeping...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World