Support Forum
I can not get acess to sp admin:
Please note that while you are a WP admin, you are not currently an SP admin. By default, WP admins are not SP admins
Contact one of the SP Admins listed below to see if they want to grant you SP admin access on the SP manage admins panel
I am Admin of my own site, how to fix it?
Well as the message states, you are a WP Admin, but you are not an SP Admin - They are two different things. This would suggest that SP was not installed using your WP account. Is this possible?
Whoever installed SP can make you an admin, or delete their user account - then when you log in as WP Admin you will be able to take on the role of SP Admin through 'Manage Admins'
Ike said
Well as the message states, you are a WP Admin, but you are not an SP Admin - They are two different things. This would suggest that SP was not installed using your WP account. Is this possible?
Yes it is possible. But I deleted previous admin account.
Whoever installed SP can make you an admin, or delete their user account - then when you log in as WP Admin you will be able to take on the role of SP Admin through 'Manage Admins'
"Manage Admins" - do you mean in SP admin? But I do not have acess.
I delete SP and install again, but it does not help?
Deleting the plugin files will not help you. You need to properly Uninstall it from the WP plugins listing. Then reinstall it.
Yellow Swordfish said
You need to properly Uninstall it from the WP plugins listing. Then reinstall it.
How can I do it?
Yellow Swordfish said
I told you - in the WordPress plugin listing.
I delete and Install. Does not help. (
Yellow Swordfish said
I told you that as well - Uninstall NOT delete
I mean I uninstall in the wp plugin listing.
Then I am afraid I am unsure just what you have done and we would probably need to take a look at your site admin to work it out. If you would like to take this to the actual support forum then one of us could take a closer look at your setup which has clearly been broken in some way.