Support Forum
I just installed and imported my phpBB forum to test out your forum software. I tried using the drag and drop group and forum re-ordering feature and it is not working with IE, Mozilla or Chrome. When I try to move a forum, I get this:
When I try to move a group with its forums, I can drag it but it will just re-drop where it originally was located.
Is this a bug in your forum software?
I am only aware of one person who has had problems with this tool in the last couple of releases. I would suspect that the real problem is likely to be the phpBB data but I am not sure what. Perhaps just some data that SP uses and phpBB doesn't supply. It has been a very, very long time since I last looked at the phpBB data schema.
We would ptobably need to see a copy of the actual impprted database to determine the cause with any degree of accuracy.