Support Forum
I would just like to give a SUPER DUPER SHOUT OUT to Brandon C. for his work and help in getting off the ground! Oh my, he was great!! And we couldn't have done it without him! (seriously) I don't know if anyone has used his help in putting their forum together but if you ever need help - he is awesome!
Thanks Brandon C.! I just wanted the Simple-press community to know what a smart (and swell) guy you are!
All the members at Thank you!!!
Thanks for the kind words!
Glad I could help and it was fun creating a couple new forum features for you, not found anywhere else.
That one was based on the default SP theme. Probably the biggest change from the default setup was adding the first/last post to the recent posts list with excerpt and avatar of the poster shown. Then we put it at the top before the lists of groups/forums are shown. The rest was color changes and a few minor layout style changes.
We will let him stay a while... actually quite glad Brandon is part of the Simple Press Team!
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