Support Forum

Thank you for the forum. Check mine out on . Now I just gotta get people to write on it... 🙂
I was just preparing to use the same theme in a new site I need to develop for a dance studio... I got excited when I saw you using, but then noticed you didnt have a custom SPF skin to match the WP theme... Are you planning one? Would love to save myself some hassle if you are already working it... If not, I likely will make one and will gladly share it...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
probably more… but not sure i follow… my kids and wife spend most of their days at the dance studio… they have a really, really horrendous website… I have been asked to bring it up to snuff… The theme (which has nothing to do with orange county) is one that I am considering…
Oh, and dont worry Andy, I will surely hit you up to help with the graphics…
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
make your own spf skin that matches your wp theme better... in the manage options panel, style tab, you can selet different skins for the forum... we provide some defaults, but if you make your own, it can match more closely...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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