Support Forum
I want to start this off by saying a great big THANK YOU! to Andy and all the other people involved in the Simple Forums plug-in project. This is as near to perfect as anything I've worked with in a long time. It installed flawlessly and integrated with WP 2.5 perfectly. The only thing on my wish list would be a hack to tie the WP comments to the SF plug-in and bypass the horrid WP comment editor altogether. Also, it would sure be nice if there were separate html templates and common language files outside of the php files. It sure makes styling a lot easier that way. In-lieu of that, I'm happy as a clam and when my pension check comes next month, I'll try to squeeze a few $ out and send it your way.
Oh yeah, you can view my forums at: Grumpy's Forums I just put them online today after doing an all-nighter making a few style changes here and there. Any comments are more than welcome and appreciated.
Thanks again!
“You can bend it and twist it... You can misuse and abuse it... But even God cannot change the Truth.”