Support Forum
A site for moms who play wow. Still trying to setup the forums and running into some issues, but it will work soon. I hope. LOL
I used to play WoW... until I got involved in SPF [Image Can Not Be Found]
Had a pretty custom skin and icon set for my guild's WoW site, but was in the v1 and 2 days...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yeah I played Warcraft and since forever and when my son kept mentioning it I wasn't making the distinction between WoW and BN until I actually played it.
I'm actually trying to find a way to monetize each post so that people who qualify can share in the adsense or get their own adsense on it. Unfortunately though, the only plugin for adsense that I have shares blog posts and not forum posts because there are always more than one forum post per page and I don't want all forum posters to be bloggers.
you might be able to use the spf program hooks to accomplish this (we've added a few more in the upcoming 4.0.1) but not sure what you planned algorithm is. With the hooks, you could keep track of who starts, topics, who posts, etc and reward based on that. We also have an open ticket for consideration in 4.1 to build in a points type system for different kinds of involvement in the forum.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World