Support Forum
We're working on a new community site to introduce folks to Chile, and offer various services. Ideally, we'll make it a hub for Chileans to connect as well, hoping that the cultural gap can be overcome more readily... quite a task.
The forums are central to the site, since it's a BP community site. We're offering blog services and trying to keep relevant information flowing for members. The theme is basic, and probably will stay that way. I'm not the sharpest tack in the development box, and am not sure I'll be able to keep up on the tech side if I start deviating from the plain and simple too much.
Right now I'm just using RSS to keep a running tab of the forum posts on the Home page. It's working...
good luck with it! hope it helps your site grow!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Looks good. Not totally sure I like how the top part stays up when you scroll down but at least it's different.
Great job on the RSS setup. There are a ton of things you can do with RSS that can enhance a website. Nice to see someone using it a bit more.
Yeah, the header thing is interesting... still trying to decide what I want to do with it. Maybe if it stayed smaller. I'll work on it.
It's kinda funny, I don't really know what you mean by my use of RSS. I saw the feature, and liked it, but am really overwhelmed trying to learn all of this stuff. So I did something good?
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