Support Forum
After the upgrades, I decided to redo my entire skin, with new graphics and style based on the yet-to-be-released pinkish skin that I've been working on.
I used a combination of icons - all open source, including FamFamFam Silk, Sweetie, and a couple I made myself.
I've still got the forms to do, I always leave the fun bits until last!
I love WordPress and I love SimplePress. So much love in this room!
Sure do - they're awesome - they include psd files of them so you can custom color them. There are not as many as FFF icons but they're still a wonderful tool for customizing a skin. I misspoke when I said they were GPL - they are released under Creative Commons:
Here's the link:
I like the user icons and the tool icons - they are adorable! I see why they call them “Sweetie”.
Edited to add - I am not sure of the licensing on the forum or topic icons - I know the forum one (the folder) is okay to distribute but not sure under GPL or CC, and I have to check on the topic icon. If I release this one or a version of it I'll make sure to update it if need be.
I love WordPress and I love SimplePress. So much love in this room!
You do - but I still haven't come up with one! If I do it will probably involve either 1. a rating or karma system or 2. Show ads to non-members type of thing...probably the former.
BTW, hope you are rested and refreshed from your holiday. I took a bit of a vacation too, but I'm back now!
This is another good icon source:
Most of them are CC or GPL, all free. There's enough variety there to make a lot of skins! I just love the Net...
I love WordPress and I love SimplePress. So much love in this room!
and a post rating system is likely to make it in 3.2... preliminary discussions already underwary on how it would work...
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Good deal - then I won't pick that as my feature, since it's already in the pipeline! 😉
How easy way to insert Adsense Ads - between posts or as a post, and have them only show to non-members? I haven't tried hardcoding the ads yet, I know it can be done with conditional tags in WordPress, but that's about all I know! lol
I love WordPress and I love SimplePress. So much love in this room!
dang my big mouth!
you can already do the insert ads using the hooks…
find sf-hook-template.php and find the template there of where you want the add to appear and just insert the ad code… if you want non members start with the code below
if (!$current_user->member)
// add your ad code stuff here
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