Support Forum
Hi simple-press community.
I'm looking for a way to add contents programmatically to a post/reply. I need something like a button , visible by administrators, that redirects to the mycred_edit_balance admin page where i can "adjust"arbitrarily the amount of mycred points for the post/reply author.
Is there any action/filter that i can use to add such functionality?
should i use child theme instead?
Thank in advance
not entirely sure I follow what you want to do... you just want to add a button that links to a mycred page?
if so, have you looked at:
lets you add a standard button linking to where ever you want...
if you only want it shown to admins, then something like:
if ($spThisUser->admin) sp_AddButton();
of course, adjust arguments to the function call to meet your needs...
If this is not what you meant, please elaborate...
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Thank you very much!
It's exactly what i was looking for. It is the button i've created using an action :
add_action('sph_BeforeSectionEnd_action', function() { global $spThisPost,$spThisUser; if ($spThisUser->admin) { sp_AddButton(sp_AddButton('tagClass=spButton spRight&icon=sp-logo-tiny.png&link='.urlencode('/wp-admin/users.php?page=mycred-edit-balance&user_id='.$spThisPost->user_id.'&ctype=mycred_default'), __('Adjust Points'), __('Adjust Points for this user'), 0, 'spLogoButton')); } });
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