Support Forum
I would like quests wanting to register to be redirected to a Wordpress Contact Form they need to complete and submit.
The standard registration form does not allow me to capture the guests First and Last name as well as Company and Job title fields.
How do I change the link to the “register” tab on the front page of the forum to redirect them to my contact form page ?
This can be changed in the template as wit just about all display items.
In this case the template would be the spHead.php template of the theme you are using unless it is reboot in which case you need to look in the 'desktop' and 'mobile; folders for the spHead templates and change them both.
This post from a previous thread explains how to do it:
As always we recommend the use of a child theme to ensure changes are not lost when upgrading. There are now Child Theme Frameworks available to download for all of our themes to make this simple and full and extensive details can be found on our Codex - Creating a Child Theme.
I need the "register" button to link to this
I went to SpHead.php under Theme editor
I then changed the following code : sp_RegisterButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Register'), __sp('Register'));
sp_RegisterButton(‘tagClass=spButton spRight&link=’, __sp(‘Register’), __sp(‘Register’));
When I refresh the page the forum does not load…….
Not sure whether it's because you're not using the syntax highlighter or are using something other than an editor or notepad to edit the template, but it looks like the quote marks are 'curly'.
In code the quote marks need to be 'straight'. Perhaps you could do as Andy suggested - Copy the spRegisterButton function again from your template, paste it into a reply here, highlight it and click the 'Syntax Highlighter' button in the editor toolbar (last button on the right in the top row, looks like a sheet of paper with curly braces on) and select 'PHP'.
Or, when editing your code, replace the quote marks and see if they appear straight.
Ike is absolutely right. For the record - there is nothing wrong with what you have done (except for the fact that the link you have put in the argument is NOT the link you said you wanted - but that is up to you).
So as Ike has said - it may well be the quotes.
Paste that code into a plain text editor - like Notepad (Windows) in plain text mode. That should make sure the quotes are standard. Whatever you do - do NOT use a word processor or any form of rich text editor.
The theme editor provided in the forum admin will do this properly.