Support Forum
On our site, we change the user's role based upon their activity (upgrade, withdraw, etc.). When we initiate to change the WordPress user role, we also want to force the forum to re-evaluate the user's new role and then adjust the permissions and memberships appropriately.
What functions, actions, or filters do we call?
Bringing ideas to life is my art
Web Developer · Software & Electrical Engineer · WordPress · Genesis
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Forum admin > Manage User Groups > Map Users to User Groups.
Here you can set up relationships between WP Roles and SP User Groups.
As long as whatever changes the WP role for a user uses the proper WP API to do so then this will also re-assign a user from an old user group to a new one based upon the mapped relationships. This works best, of course, if the option to limit a user membership to one user group at a time is set on.
Is this what you are looking for?
Actually we are a multisite for our intranet. We change users roles on a staff site that does not have the forum loaded. When this occurs, it loops through each of the sites and changes them appropriately. As the forum is not installed on this site, 'sp_map_role_to_ug' is not called.
What I need to do is programmatically load the right files and then call the right function. I'm assuming I need to call 'sp_map_role_to_ug'. Is this correct?
Bringing ideas to life is my art
Web Developer · Software & Electrical Engineer · WordPress · Genesis
Find me: | LUNARWP | Twitter
Perfect. Thank you for your help.
Bringing ideas to life is my art
Web Developer · Software & Electrical Engineer · WordPress · Genesis
Find me: | LUNARWP | Twitter
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