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i am using the sp_RecentPostsTag(); to show the recent posts of the forum.
and it is showing the recent posts in FTUD order.
but i want to show the content of that post also.
i have checked the all arguments of this function. there is many arguments to show the text before and after the topic.
but i want to show the content of that post with the post title.
is there is any other function or arguments to do so?
please help.
No - we have not included the post content as an option - just as you see it in the tooltip - which is an excerpted and sanitised version. This is available to the function of course. I would not be against adding a filter to, say, the end of the current item display, so that you could add the content there. And we can consider adding trhe content extract in as a display option in the future.
Well - fist off I can tell you that the area beneath the group view uses the same sql selection logic - actually uses the same code - as the sidebar widget. They perform the same task except for the fact that the widget is specifically designed and coded to be displayed outside of the forum page.
Does that information make any difference to your thinking or do you want the code to display the list view elsewhere?
Well - bear in mind I have not tried this so at the moment this is largely theory.
If being displayed outside of a forum page then making a call to:
should set up the necessary support.
Then calling the actual template function used in the spGroupView.php template would be:
sp_RecentPostList('show=10', 'Unread and recently updated topics');
The 'show' argument dictates the maximum number of items to display. The other parameter is the text used above the list.
The following is a list of the possible arguments with their default values, any of which can be overridden in the argument string:
'tagId' => 'spRecentPostList' 'tagClass' => 'spRecentPostSection' 'labelClass' => 'spMessage' 'template' => 'spListView.php' 'show' => 20 'group' => 0 'admins' => 0 'mods' => 1 'get' => 0
As I say - untested but should work I believe.
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