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Hi, I am looking for an online users widget that uses the simple press avatars and username that link to their profile area in simple press. I would like to put this widget on the front home page of my site to show that there is "life" and a community inside. Do you have a widget like this in the downloads area? Or how do I create one, what code would I use?
Not sure I understand what you are looking for... what would the criteria be for showing users? I would suggest a list of recent posts with user avatars for the posters...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Not sure I understand what you are looking for... what would the criteria be for showing users? I would suggest a list of recent posts with user avatars for the posters...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I just want to show a list of 10 people who are logged into the site and show their avatars and user names. There are plugins which do this in the wordpress repository but they link the the "author" section of wordpress. And their avatars aren't clickable. I would like one which is linked to the simple press community profiles. I am already using the recent posts widget, but many members lurk and don't post so I would like to highlight who is logged into the site. How do I do this? I was thinking I could use the Simple Press template tags somehow but this is not clear.
well, we dont quite have anything like that... close, but not exactly... built into core, as you can see at the bottom of our forum pages, in the stats, is a list of who is online... it does not have an avatar, but does have their name and does link to their profile... you can use that same template function on another page in you site... see:
if that is of interest, we can help you get it where you want...
also, we have another plugin called Online... it shows who is online and what they are viewing... no avatars though.... see:
by default, its on its own page...
keep in mind, that we only track users online in the forum... we dont track them on other wp pages... though we have a ticket to consider extending that and tracking on whole site...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
It would be good to have some more widgets to highlight site/forum activity. Hopefully someone will make a plugin to show off more of what's going on. I will take a look at your links and maybe I can try to figure out something. I'm not a coder so I but I can handle putting widgets on pages, so that's why I was looking for widgets.
the only widget we have is the recent posts... but lots of template tags... as I said,not sure exactly what you want, but at least some what... we are always looking at doing more plugins... so will keep it on the list...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hi Robert,
Interesting suggestion, perhaps this can be a good place to start looking.
It allows you to show a list of online users which is what you are looking to do. I am unsure exactly how you can link them to their simple press profile but it's possibly a good place to start?
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