Support Forum
The other day I sent several (about 6) personal messages out to members of the forum and not one of them has received my message. I have checked the settings and they are all turned to ON for PMs so I'm not sure what the problem is.
OK - so you DO have the Private Messaging plugin installed. When you say 'checked the settings and they are all turned to ON for PMs' what are you referring to? Do you mean in the permissions you have enabled your users to make use of PMs?
Next question... when one of these 6 users goes to their inbox do they see your message in the inbox list?
There is also generally a problem with the Personal Message function because the only way I have to PM someone is by clicking on 'inbox' and then creating a pm. There is no way to PM a member by clicking on a button somewhere.
So when you are looking at a topic (i.e., the posts) are you saying there is no PM button on the row on buttons above each post - as indeed there is above this one? And also when you review a users profile within the forum profile do you not get a send pm button on the profile popup?
Also, the inbox is only that, there is no record of my personal messages SENT.
So again - if you go to your PM inbox is there no reciord of these 6 pm's that you sent out down the left hand column?
We want members to be able to PM each other easily and also to view their conversations and get notifications for new PMs.
Notifications of PMs must be turned on in the Private Messaging admin Options panel and each member does have the personal option in their profile to not receive notifications as they also have the option to opt out of PMs altogether.
Can I ask a quick question please. Your post above has every sentence wrapped in a div. Did you do this? di you type it in that way or did you paste the post ctnent from some other editor that wrapped the content in divs instead of paragraphs as they should be?
The other day I sent several (about 6) personal messages out to members of the forum and not one of them has received my message. I have checked the settings and they are all turned to ON for PMs so I'm not sure what the problem is.
OK – so you DO have the Private Messaging plugin installed. When you say 'checked the settings and they are all turned to ON for PMs' what are you referring to? Do you mean in the permissions you have enabled your users to make use of PMs?
Yes I mean that in Personal Messaging > Options I have allowed users to PM. I have just realised that the permission set I had given my members did not include PM so I have now set that. Sorry for wasting your time. However, that doesn't solve the issue below...
So again – if you go to your PM inbox is there no reciord of these 6 pm's that you sent out down the left hand column?
No, all I see is my inbox, which is empty.
Notifications of PMs must be turned on in the Private Messaging admin Options panel and each member does have the personal option in their profile to not receive notifications as they also have the option to opt out of PMs altogether.
Is it possible to have them turned on by default Members on my forum seem to expect this (we have recently migrated from another forum where this happened automatically)?
Can I ask a quick question please. Your post above has every sentence wrapped in a div. Did you do this? di you type it in that way or did you paste the post ctnent from some other editor that wrapped the content in divs instead of paragraphs as they should be?
I copied and pasted an email I sent my web developer who asked me to post here
have what happen automatically? permission to pm? that is your choice, we wouldnt want to default it to on for every created permission set..
No, we do not wrap sentences or paragraphs in divs... each paragraph would be in a p tag... if that is occurring, it will be something else on your site that filters post content, ie the_content filter...
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Well - I think Steve (Mr Papa) mis-read the thread here so ignore his comment above!
I will need to check in the code but generally speaking we will provide email options turned off which, if nothing else, complies with privacy laws in various countries where users have to opt-in voluntarily to receive emails and should not be opted-in automatically.
So apart from that are things working now as they should?
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