Support Forum

I must be missing something. I feel I'm pretty adept at the forum and its functions, but I can't see anything other than under Profiles -> Profile Options -> Max number of photos allowed. I've set it to 5, but this only gives the option to include a url to a photo, not a user-friendly photo-upload function using plupload or something akin to it.
Definitely running 5.05 - can you point me to where I should go?
glad it worked! thanks for the kind words!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Guys - quick question (hopefully). The user photo uploads were working, but now they're not. It's strange.
My profile: is visible with photos I've uploaded.
Now, though, other users are trying to upload photos, which is successful, but they cannot view them in the front end.
Here, for example: ...even though she has photos uploaded, which I can see when I go to Edit the profile and view what's uploaded, nothing shows on the front-end.
I've verified all storage locations are ok in the back, and I know the photos are being stored in the forum-image-uploads folder, but nothing's being retrieved for the front. Any thoughts?
I will have to look into but right now in my dev version the file uploader is broken so I have to fix that first...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
ah yes... there is one key ingredient here that is required that you are probably missing...
in the spProfileView.php template file in the sp theme you are using, find where the photos template tag is called... to the first argument, at the end, add
without that, the file uploader cannot hook into the process... I have not come up with a better way yet...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
good to hear. thanks for the update.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World