Support Forum
By the time installed SimplePress in none-production environments, each time, the part which was importing users from wp to sp, took few hours... and because of some technical concerns, need to do the installation without "user import" part on production ... so before digging your code was wondering if you have any solution/problem-with-post-edit-buttonint for us to skip that step and run it separately, please. Even any db diagram...
In that case no. When you install SP it needs to deal with any users already defined on your site. SP is a WP plugin - the users on your site ARE your forum user-base. It needs to build those existing users into the default user group etc, for the forum to operate correctly.
Well - yes - you could manually remove the code for that step but it is not quite as simple as something that could be replaced by queries. The main work is performed by the sp_create_member_data($ID) function (where the user ID is passed in) which would then need to be called for each user. As it happens - if a user logs in and there is no forum record data found for them then this function is called so that the necessary data is created on the fly. That might be preferable to you.
Help me please...
The import users process gets really slow after 50,000 (even faced mem issue and had to begin from start) have to import over 170,000 users... so its what did/am doing:
1. had the installation done in one db, then switched to pure db(before installing SP), activated the plugin, imported SP tables there, defined the new page named as forum and forum was installed BUT none of the steps regarding "grant spf capabilities to installer" were assigned to me... so how can I have that portion running separately?
OR: 2. trying to install in pure db while for function sp_install_members_table($subphase), defined the limit to 0 (in case it is somehow getting called) and marked out sp_install_members_table($subphase) and sp_generate_member_feedkeys() in step 8 (CREATE MEMBERS TABLE) of sp-startup/install/sp_upgrade_support ... but still doesnt look skipping it...
1 - SP will have added a couple of new items in the WP usermeta table for you as the installer/admin.
Look at Usermeta table for the items with your user ID. Find the [table_prefix]_capabilities row and copy that data into your other db table exactly as it is. Make sure you copy it into the exsiting_capabilities row - do not create a second one. That should do the trick I believe.
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