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2 Login/Logout Issues
Derek Tenbusch
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 5, 2016 - 10:48 am


I am using Simple Press integrated with Digital Access Pass (which protects my premium content and controls membership/subscription functionality).  My site is 

I am having two issues with Login related to SimplePress.

1. I want to hide the login/logout button in the forum because the functionality is not stable when integrated with DAP. I use DAP to control the login logout process and when someone clicks that button sometimes they have issues.

I have set the login/registration redirects in the simple press admin to my DAP login page but that doesn't seem take effect here.  When I click logout, this screen loads.
 2016-06-05_10-24-36.jpgImage Enlarger

I'd rather have all login/logout just go through DAP.  I think the best thing would be to just make that button disappear.  However, I don't see an option to disable this. What's the best way to get rid of that button?

2. A bigger issue is that users seem to get logged out when typing replies - if they spend a lot of time on the reply. I don't know why this just happens in the forum - they aren't logged out of anything else. It's hard to replicate but I get a few emails a week about it and someone sent me screenshots of what it looks like.

Image Enlarger

When they click login, they get the Wordpress Login which confuses them. Once again I have everything set to go to the DAP login, not Wordpress so I'm not sure why this is coming up.

Image Enlarger

This fails because they don't login directly from WP.  So, they get error messages and then lose their post which gets them mad.  

If it helps a direct quote from a member is "This is happening a lot, when I try to quote someone:"  Not sure if quoting is really relevant here.

I understand that this would require some understanding of my site so I'm happy to pay for some custom troubleshooting work if you could point me in the right direction.


Sawtry, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 5, 2016 - 12:40 pm

Hey Derek,

At the risk of sounding patronising, you've said you've set up login and registration redirects but claim logout is causing you problems. Have you set up logout redirect too on the same page?

As for the logged out during reply problem, this is a WordPress message.. Nonces expire after a few hours and cause this problem but it's normally seen in the admin pages with a lot of Ajax stuff running after leaving the page open for a couple of hours. Is it possible this could be down to some kind of caching plugin or security plugin?

I'm not familiar with DAP settings, but does anything look like it has anything to do with timeout or inactivity? I know a few people here have used it with success in the past but not many.

Derek Tenbusch
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 5, 2016 - 1:15 pm

Hi Ike,

Thanks for responding so fast.  Yes, logout is set as well.  I was just referring to the section of the admin where this is controlled.  Here are my settings for login/logout in SP:

2016-06-05_12-58-06.jpgImage Enlarger


Regarding the logged out reply problem.  I checked and there are no specific settings in DAP for inactivity logout so you are probably right about the source of the issue.  I checked plugins and there are no security cache plugins installed.

I do have a lot of plugins though.  There was a plugin called AJAX - Comments Reply that I deactivated.

I know this isn't technically a SP problem but do you know where I can turn for more help?  My programmer is stumped.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Jun 5, 2016 - 1:33 pm

if you want to remove the login and logout buttons, you can do so from within your sp theme...  they will typically be in the spHead.php file... simply comment them out or delete them... think they will be obvious, but come on back if you are unsure...

if you do modify the sp theme, we strongly recommend a child theme or custom theme to keep from losing changes on updates... our codex has articles explaining both of those types...

Derek Tenbusch
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 5, 2016 - 2:04 pm

Thanks....I was able to take care of removing the button.

Any thoughts on how to tackle the other issue?  Is there a developer that I can hire that knows simple press that I can talk to?

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 5, 2016 - 3:15 pm

the logout check?  are they blocking cookies?  wp uses cookies for logins..

what is a long time?  wp does time out logins, but its like a day before that happens...

with dap are you having it create and keep synced a wp user account to match?  you should be...

Derek Tenbusch
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 5, 2016 - 3:19 pm

I'm pretty sure they aren't blocking cookies but I will ask.

It's usually the time it takes to write a long post - so maybe 15-30 mins?

Yes, DAP is synched with WP to create a user account to match.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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Jun 6, 2016 - 1:10 am

been awhile since I have worked with DAP user, but we have fair number using it, WP and SP... so they do work...  is their a timeout for logins on DAP?  would be worth checking the settings...

I guess worth asking if you are running any special security plugins or firewalls on your server?  a quote does have some query args that might be getting blocked... though that would normally result in bad page load, not a timeout of login...

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