Support Forum

Well it has been giving me that 404 issue ever since I installed it. It gives it to me at least 3 times a day. I removed a bunch of programs and it still doing it. Too bad because its an awesome plugin. So far I havent had any 404 issues since I deactivated it . Here are a list of active plugins that I have. If you think you see one that might of given you problems in the past I will deactivate it.
BAW Login/Logout menu
Blog in Blog
BP Group Management
BulletProof Security
Contact Form 7
Contact Form DB
Display Posts Shortcode
Facebook Page Publish 2
Google Analytics for WordPress
Maintenance Mode
Members Import
Participants Database
PSN Status Widget
Rewrite Rules Inspector
Simple:Press V5 Importer Framework
Simple Login Log
Subscribe / Connect / Follow Widget
TimThumb Vulnerability Scanner
Trackable Social Share Icons
Twitter Goodies
WP to Twitter
it would worth checking that you have the forum page excluded from any redirection of that plugin... many of the wp plugins for redirection get confused with simple press since the wp page content for the forum is not static - its very dynamic with a whole url rewrite structure beneath it... they have a tendency to get confused by simple press urls because in effect, they all really point to the same wp page...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Well I've had the SPF deactivated for almost a week now and not one single 404 error. Any other suggestions you may have before I just totally give up on the plugin? Could it be related to me importing old data from bbpress? I really like the plugin but if it doesn't work for me Im going to have to give up on it.
can you try a small edit for me?
go to simple-press/sp-startup/sp-load-site.php and find this line of code:
add_action('template_redirect', 'sp_404');
and either comment it out (put # before it) or just remove it...
and see if that helps...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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