Support Forum

Quick note. I changed your SP integration page from 'about' to 'forum' just to see what happened. Have changed it back to 'about' but do not know if this is what you expect...
I have read through this whole thread twice now and am just as confused an everyone else I am afraid.
I do have two questions though. I was under the impression that NO 'pretty' permalink structure would work with a Zeus server (out of the box) so I am unsure how or why your 'month/name' permalink can work. Do you know?
Secondly - what is putting the /index.php/ in the permalink structure options? Again - I thought this was not possible. Does WP put that in the permalink options or do you have something else that puts that there?
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Interesting times indeed. Good news, the new server is up and running. More importantly, I can once again access the forums.
The permalink structure is still the PATHINFO format. I did see some plugins that are designed to facilitate switching permalink structures to a new structure while maintaining backward compatibility with the older structure.
Since the new server is running Apache, the road to pretty permalinks is clear, albeit still uphill.
Any suggestions or special considerations on making the change to pretty permalinks so as to keep SimplePress running happily ever after?

Good news indeed.
Basically it doesn't really matter what permalink structure you choose for your blog. SP should be able to accommodate it. There are some structures that WP themselves do not recommend. The use of categories in the permalink, for example, is known to be resource hungry and requires extra SQL queries to resolve so it would be worth keeping away from that perhaps.
As you will notice, the permalink selected relates mainly to blog posts and not pages and the forum imposes it's own structure so should be safe to use anything. But yes - SP and WP pages needs to know the structure in order to resolve it.
I do hope the transition was smooth and that all now settles down. I personally think you have done the best thing all round for your future site stability.
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several post ago, I made the comment that your .htaccess was not writable... it needs to be for url rewriting... plus you apache install has to have the mod_rewrite module active...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
depends on php flavor and other things...
If you want to let WordPress do this, you'll need to give WordPress write access to the .htaccess file. The exact permissions necessary depend on your server setup. Try adding write permissions for the owner, then group, then world, testing after each change; once WordPress has edited the file successfully, don't add any further write permissions.
After applying the permalinks, you should change the permissions to something stronger like 660 or 644 to prevent others on the server from potentially having access to it.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

The plot thickens.
For some reason, my production site on the new Apache server is now exhibiting the same 404 error as on my old Zeus server. The hosting provider has confirmed that .htaccess is writable and that mod_rewrite is activated.
The production site was working earlier today. The production site was created from a backup of the site on the Zeus server from before the 404 problem first manifested. The production site began showing the 404 this evening shortly after two things happened.
1) The hosting provider created a development site, on a separate account from the production site. The development site was created from a backup of the site on the Zeus server after the 404 problem had manifested. The production site doesn't seem to have been changed by any development site files or database.
2) On the production site, I inadvertently changed the WordPress Address and Site Address to the URL of my Zeus site under Settings >> General, but then I immediately changed them back to Could this have caused a problem for SimplePress?
Any suggestions?
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