Support Forum
There seemed to be a pretty decent description in that post I had linked previously. I'm not a developer though, so I don't know how accurate it is. I wish I had an actual account with them, I would try an open a ticket, however this is just a club site and I can't afford to buy a $50 membership to ask them.
Anyone here a RocketTheme member that's willing to post in their Gantry support forums and ask?
I E-mailed them, and they basically said the only support they have is their forums and that I can't post there unless I pay for the club membership. The most frustrating thing is they said my post with the two links to the old fix is a resolution to the issue and I should try that. I think I've had it with Gantry. I like the customization and the theme, but I'm sick of having to hack up plugins to make them work and the lack of support.
Sorry. Under normal circumstances I would take a look at the theme to try and work it out but we are snowed under at the moment and I really couldn't say when I could squeeze it in as it can be a long task.
I will say that SP sticks to the WP rules and the WP API although it still surprises me how many themes and plugins do not. and in the case of themes - the worse offenders seem often to be the paid-for pones.
Hi, I'm a Rocket Theme Wordpress moderator. This post was brought to my attention. I personally have never worked with simple forum before, but we seem to get a lot of questions about it. I just installed a copy and I'll be testing it out to see if I can determine what the cause of any problems might be. I'll just need to get up to speed on how it works.
From looking at this thread, I'm not fully understanding what the issue is, other than there is one. If anyone can shed some light on particular errors or suspected technical reasons for the incompatibility I would be happy to look into it. I'll see what I can come up with on my own. I'm also happy to ask our developers about it, we just need to determine what is happening before a solution can be considered.
For the record, Gantry is a free GPL framework, anyone can download and use it at no cost. It is quite a bit more complex than standard Wordpress themes, due mainly to our layout system, page override system and other built in features. Using Gantry is more complicated than some might be used to, but the flexibility it provides seems to be popular with our members.
It's true that our support forum is only open to club members, it is a benefit we offer to our paying customers. Even then, our assistance with third party plugins is limited. I'm sure the same is true on this forum, we all have our own products to offer support for and have limited knowledge of how other developers work. In this case, I think it would beneficial for both parties if we could find a solution and work together. If there is anything in particular I should be looking at, please let me know.
as Andy says we would normally take a look ourselves but a bit swamped with the 5.0 release... not necessarily problems, though a few of those too, but mainly its now themes vs skins with full api...
simple press appears solely on a single wp page... rewrite urls are used to simulate more than one page, but its dynamic content on the single wp page...
I would say add SP, activate and install... see if it shows up on the single page... I believe the user was saying there was no output on the wp page...
only real issue has been with themes calling the_content() more than once... but some optional settings do exist to try to exist with those too...
we are willing to try to help too...
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Hi Cliff, thanks for posting. The issue is that the forum does not display. When you go to access the page, it is like you have a blank page. Where the forum would be, nothing shows up. There are no errors or anything to indicate why it isn't displaying. You can see exactly what happens at:
In the first of the two links that I posted earlier, the posted of the 4.4/4.5 fix has a pretty good description of what he believes is going on. I am not a developer so it's a bit over my head.
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