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sp head? not sure what you mean... gantry bypasses the normal wp_head action that most themes and plugin use...
did you read that thread? there was even links back to the gantry forum where they posted info...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Thank you for taking your time to reply, Mr. Papa.
I did all this:
To fix this, you need to create a custom page template in Gantry that uses a custom layout. This process differs from the traditional method. Fortunately, I wrote a detailed article on how to do this last month, you can view it here:…..-wordpress
Once you've done all of that, all you need to do in your new layout file is replace this code:
<?php $this->include_type();?>
With this code:
<?php sp_process_template(); ?>
I have done this which produces this line:
A Simple Press Poll can only appear in a forum post
at the spot where the Poll should be. You can see it here:
I did this:
Thanks for the help guys. Unfortunately I still don't have it all the way working. When I try:
The forum loads, but I can't navigate it. If I click into a link, I get a 404 not found error.
I also tried:
do_action('the_content', '');
but all I got with those was a blank page again.
Which didn't fix the problem, but the forums loaded great.
I have tried all of this:
Hi, I also tried a few things. Looking at the sp_render_forum function definitely pointed me in the right direction and I think I found the real issue. In the simple-press plugin directory -> sp-startup -> forum -> sp-forum-framework.php – line 228.
This code
if (!did_action('wp_head')) return '';If I comment it out, everything loads up fine with the_content() call.
With no success to my issue. (Still says can't display polls because it's not a forum post.)
I saw MikeMSD had some success with his!
I had to do the override in the Gantry files to set the body to output as:
do_action('the_content', '');
I also commented out the head check in the Simple-Press files. I'm not 100% sure about the need to modify the Gantry files, but when I tried disabling the custom template, the forum stopped working. It may have been a browser cache issue, but I couldn't swear to it.
But that was with getting his forum to display at all. Mine displays fine. I can post, reply, edit, toolbox, the whole thing, it's great! Except polls... I can make a new one! But it displays the same message.
I played with every Integration and Theme Display setting in the SP admin with no luck. Maybe something specific in the polls plugin? I took a look around there but couldn't find anything..
It doesn't take too long to read the previous relevant forum posts, only pages 3, 4 and 5.. Can you see anything I missed? Where is that back link to the forums? I just see this: which is how I'm displaying the forums in the first place (which is working great).
I just don't see anywhere where I can tell the post to be a forum post in order for the polls to display.
Again, thank you for your time.
its pretty simple really.. we make this check for displaying:
if (!$spIsForum || !in_the_loop()) {
that says, we must be on a forum page... I suspect that is working... and then the in_the_loop() call is a wp function that tells you whether or not you are in the post/page loop (ie doing the page content)...
I would investigate which test is failing... My money is on in_the_loop()...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
good news! Way to stick with up. glad we could help!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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