Support Forum
what's the error? or a link to site?
check forum - integration - storage locations and make sure set up correctly...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
This is the error on the forum page:
Then I go to the Themes section and it says this:
The current theme stylesheet:
cannot be found. Please correct or select a new theme for proper operation.
Under storage locations all the sp-resources folders are not found.
so on your server, does wp-content/sp-resources directory exist? then under there, does forum-themes and default directories exist?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
so... using the tool of your choice (ftp, filemanager, ssh, etc), create the sp-resources directory in wp-content... be sure to do it as the web user (ie steveb77) and not root... then within sp-resources create a forum-themes directory...
and then go to our themes download page and grab the default theme or any of the themes... then in the wp admin, under forum - themes - theme uploader, you can upload the theme and be back in business...
you will want to resolve any other storage locations that dont validate...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
lol, I started to put that in my response but didnt figuring it was the harder way to explain... nice!
good to hear!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
We are with hostgator... vps not shared...
we are researching ways to get around these other scripts and what not corrupting the ajax responses - including making it a true json response (despite your change, we are not doing a json response - but changing it might hide the corruption and allow it to complete...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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