Support Forum

After importing our previous forums to SP, I'm seeing some posters who were added later showing as Guests. We'd like to fix this so that their correct name is showing. When I try to reassign a post to them, I get the following:
A Suspect Request has been Rejected
How do I override this so I can attribute posts to the correct user?
Can you tell me what you entered into the user field? it should be the user id of the user you want to assign to...
I will also check for any anomalies...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
okay, I have no issue reassigning posts... please make sure its the user id (a number) you entered... and this is 5.1.3?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

This also brings up another issue. As I'm working in the same forum, one specific topic gives an error that access is denied - I don't have permission to view this page. I'm an admin and this is the only topic I've seen that gives me this error. All other topics in the forum are accessible.
another issue? is the first resolved??
not sure I understand... viewing permissions are by forum - not by topic... unless you have one of two permissions set: can view admin posts or can view own admin posts... is this a post from you as admin? and even then, that affects posts in a topic, not the topic page...
does the url look 'normal'?
no caching plugins, right?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Guess you didn't get the response via email reply -
I tried both their user ID (name) and the Just tried using the number and it worked. Another learning experience.
Thanks for your response!
The topic has me confused as well. I can see all other topics in that forum, just not that single topic. It's not my post, but one from one of our mods. I've emailed her to see if she did anything specific other than just post.
I've spoken with my dev and he's going to reload all the topics and posts from the old forum to see if that clears up some of the issues. Some of the end quote tags were stripped out when he ported across.
This is what he sent me yesterday - installed the w3 total cache plugin. Since your hosting is already pretty smooth, I only enabled page caching and browser caching.
email response??? how did you do that since we have not enabled the subscription reply via email... did you just reply to the notification email???
you cannot cache the wp page the forum is on... the wp caching plugins are not smart enough for SP... all of our content appears on a single wp page... so caching that single page, which is what the wp caching plugins will do, will not work... you need to go into w3tc for ALL caching types you are using and tell it to ignore the forum page... you can continue to use it on other wp pages, but it must ignore the forum page...
as a test, you could clear the cache and then try visiting the rogue topic again...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

It was working a few weeks ago and didn't realize it had been changed.
I sent him your response re: the w3 cache. He's still having an issue with the quote tag being stripped. Any ideas on that?
From him:
I exported the ipb database, imported it to my hosting, dropped all the sp tables on my host, and reran the import, and it still didn't clean up the issue with the quote blocks
sorry, quote stripping? when posting? or are saying from using the sp importer?
did he have the utf-8 setting on or off?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
1 Guest(s)