Support Forum
I tried a feature, while creating a new post, it would show up in the forum. It did show up in the forum, but when i tried to read it, i got "Access denied - you do not have permission to view this page" (i should have the permission to do so as i´m the forum admin), i can´t figure out what i have to do to be able to read this forum entry or for that matter, the guests who want to read it? Please advice.
Here is a direct link to the forum post
I have the following permission sets enabled for the forum;
Guests => Read Only Access
Members => Standard Access
Moderators => Moderator Access
This is something I have not seen before and there is something clearly not quite right, You will note that the forum and sub-forum in question are both being displayed with the same forum name. I take it that this is not the case.
is there any chance you could delete that specific sub-forum (with the one post) and re-create it?
Thanx for the reply.
I deleted the sub-forum and the post, re-created the sub-forum and tried to send the post again into the forum with the same result "Access denied – you do not have permission to view this page". This is not good, as i´m counting, big time, on this feature to work correctly so i can add more topics to the forum and maybe get it started.
The feature i´m referring to is, the option that allows me to link a post to a forum. The plugin that allows for this is, Blog Post Linking. I don´t know if the plugin is malfunctioning or the Simple press forum, but in any case, if i link a blog post to the forum and try to view it in the forum, i get this message "Access denied – you do not have permission to view this page".
There may well be an issue we will have to address there but at the moment the post in the sub-forum is just muddying the waters.
What we need to get to the bottom of first is the sub-forum itself. I note all of the other sub-forums were behaving so it may well be blog-linking related but if we can leave that out of the equation to begin with it would be helpful.
What I really need to know is when you removed and then re-created that sub-forum - with NO posts in it - did it display correctly, have the right name and the correct url?
I already deleted the sub-forum and recreated it and i can access it, as you can see for yourself, but as soon as i link a blog post into this sub-forum, i get the "Access denied – you do not have permission to view this page". Currently, there isn´t anything in the sub-forum. I also tried to link a blog post to ANY forum and i get the same result, so this problem isn´t linked just to the sub-forum islenskir-bjorar.
That's good news and what I wanted to establish first and means we can focus on the blog linking issue.
Blog linking is a very popular plugin for SP and we sometimes use it on this site as well so we do know it works. Which means we need to determine what is going on in your environment that is stopping it functioning correctly.
Perhaps we can start with one or two questions.
Firstly - when you save the blog post in WP does everything appear to save correctly - no errors reported? And is the post fully published?
Next - are you using ANY other plugins that in ANY way add content to the blog post writing page - or that add some sort of processing to the saving of blog posts? This is important to know.
And finally - if you look in the forum admin > toolbox > error log - are you seeing any actual errors. There may be some 'Notices' and 'Warnings' which we can ignore for now but are there any actually marked as SQL errors or Fatal errors?
1. No, there are no errors when i link the blog post to the forum.
2. Yes, there is a plugins that add stuff on the writing page, like visual composer, youtube artiss and of course, the theme has multitude of shortcode features and so on.
3. This is the error message that comes when i tried to link the post to the forum;
ile: /8gig/www/
line: 193
function: sp_publish_blog_link
error: Field 'poster_ip' doesn't have a default value
INSERT INTO wp_sfposts (post_content, post_date, topic_id, user_id, forum_id) VALUES ('
- Malt: pils, munchen, caramel og súkkulaði mölt
- Humlar: Fuggles
- Ger:
- Annað:
Alkahólmagn: 4,3% IBU (Bitureiningar): 20 Matur: Fer almennt vel með mat. Sérstaklega með grilluðu rauðu kjöti og svínakjöti, kjötsamlokum, kæfur, blá- og hvítmygluostar og vel þroskaður gruyére. Glúten, já / nei?: Já Næringargildi: 36 kcal/100 ml Hitastig til drykkju: 6 – 8 °C Geymsluþol: 3 mánuðir Má “kjallara” bjórinn: Nei Kom á markað: 5.8.2010 (fæðingardagur) Saga: Austur Brúnöl er mildöl sem á rætur sínar að rekja til Bretlands og náði þar miklum vinsældum á millistríðsárunum. Humlarnir sem notaðir eru í Austur Brúnöl, Fuggle, voru fyrst ræktaðir af Hr. Richard Fuggles árið 1875 í Horsmonden í Kent, á Englandi, en Kent er eitt af frægustu humlaræktunarsvæðum landsins. Verðlaun og keppnir: Hvað finnst þér um bjórinn? Endilega gefðu bjórnum einkunn / stjörnur.', '2012-09-27 12:58:40', 10, 1, 25);
And this one;
file: /8gig/www/
line: 141
function: sp_build_post_index
error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' post_count=0, post_id_held=0, post_count_held=0 WHERE topic_id=' at line 2
UPDATE wp_sftopics SET post_id=, post_count=0, post_id_held=0, post_count_held=0 WHERE topic_id=10
1 Guest(s)