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Add New Topic not working on Topic page but works in Forum page
Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Jan 31, 2014 - 8:41 pm

not really... thats how wp pages work...  if you show wp page as the home page, its child pages (ie forum pages) still have to show the parent in the url...

Somerset, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 3, 2014 - 4:49 am

There are a lot of pages and posts within the site that link to the forum.

Would it possible to add an .htaccess rule to redirect all the old pages to the new ones?







After doing some research what I'm concerned about is that if I add a rewrite rule with the word discuss in, it will interfere with the new forum pages making them sitename/forum/forum/discuss and break the new forum location.

I am not familiar with rewrite rules but I know what I'm after is

If URL =   change to =


As you have referred before to the forum using some URL rewriting blackmagic would you know what I need to add?

Thanks for your continued help.




Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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Feb 3, 2014 - 4:59 am

It's not my area of expertise but I believe an .htaccess rule for this scenario should not effect the forum slug and WP rewrite rules. At least that would be my understanding...

Somerset, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 3, 2014 - 5:17 am

Sorry I don't think I was clear, I understand that the forum will display as it is, I would like the rewrite rule for any external links coming in so they will be redirected to the same content but in the new location.

The customer also uses a lot of internal links to their forum within blog posts & pages and a rewrite rule would stop users going to a 404 page.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 3, 2014 - 5:28 am

Well I would still have thought the .htaccess approach would be best for external links coming in.

For 'dead' links within WP posts/pages then it sounds to me like you should perhaps be looking at something like the 'Permalink Redirect' plugin. That should surely do what you want. The only thing about that is that you DO need to exclude the forum slug from it - it has an exclusion section in the setup I understand.

Somerset, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 3, 2014 - 10:18 am

I have found a good redirect plugin called 404 Redirected which is handling the pages well. But it is redirecting all the forum pages to the main forum page, good but of course we would like it to go through the the correct topic.

I agree that this part should be handled by a rewrite rule butI've been researching this afternoon and still can't figure out how to write the rule for .htaccess do you have any ideas?


Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 3, 2014 - 10:23 am

No - as I said - personally I can not help with the .htaccess rules stuff. I would think there must be huge numbers of pages out on the web dealing with it though.

As I said - any plugin you used would have to have the capability to exclude the forum slug - basically to ignore it which I know can be done with the popular 'Permalink Redirect' plugin.

Somerset, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 3, 2014 - 11:03 am

Thanks, I will keep searching.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Feb 3, 2014 - 8:29 pm

good luck... let us know what you find in case others want to do the same...

Somerset, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 4, 2014 - 3:03 pm

I couldn't figure this out so I had to get extra help but I'm happy to share in case it's useful to anyone else.

It's only been active for a short time but seems to be working.


To redirect traffic from the main site to the subsite forum location

Previous Location was /discuss

New location forum/discuss


RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(forum)$
Redirect 301 /discuss/ /forum/discuss/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(forum)$
Redirect 301 /discuss/(.*) /forum/discuss/$1



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