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its really hard to tell since it didnt seem to be doing anything overtly wrong...
but I am still seeing that main error on the main_menu.dd can you remove that for further inspection?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

I dont know what the main_menu could be coming from other than the theme itself. It has a built in function for menus and I do not have any additional plugins active for that. Do I need to change my entire theme back to the default for you to be able to check it? I would really prefer not to do that as it will change everything I have built and disrupt my site completely all for this one plugin.......
Again, I deactivated literally every single plugin and it did not work - the only time I could get add topic to work was when I changed to the default WP theme - the theme I am using is ReSportsive and it has built in functions for the slider, menus, footer, and social media that I cannot deactivate without changing the theme

when looking at the editor option through WordPress I found what I think is the code you are talking about var main_menu=new main_menu.dd("main_menu"); which is in the Resportsive Theme: footer.php file......I dont know how to deactivate or change it but I found where it is....
I understand what you are saying... it just appears that the theme is adding in that js at the bottom that is stopping other js from running...
look through your theme files, namely functions.php or header.php and see what js its loading... but it might be other js - just that is throwing an error...
in the theme files, just look for any of:
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('.carousel').elastislide({ imageW : 145, minItems : 2, margin : 10 }); var main_menu=new main_menu.dd("main_menu"); main_menu.init("main_menu","menuhover"); }); </script>
it might be as simple as changing the $ to jQuery...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
can you just remove that whole section? the code I listed... and see if that is even the issue... its definitely throwing errors...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Ok it seems that was the "Featured News Carousel" and once that was gone it allows me to now go to the add topic screen.
Only issue is not it wont post the topic I am inputing. It says "unable to save" No Topic Post has been entered and post cannot be saved"...
I have a lot of experiance on forums and never have seen this before...any advice?
featured news carousel?? was that even in use on the forum? shouldnt be loaded if not - sloppy coding...
we have lots of experience too!
So assume you gave it an actual title for the post?
but the errors are gone... so that is progress...
I see a lot of stuff trying to add things to tinymce... hopefully they are doing that right - not assuming tinymce only exists in the admin... but if you got the editor window and could enter content, that is good start...
hard to tell since I cant post... can you turn on guest editing for a few minutes?
do you know if your host is running mod_security? often interferes with query args in wp and other apps...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

I did have the Featured News Carousel at the bottom of my home page but I can change that out easily with a different widget that will work correctly
I reactivated all the SimplePress plugins except the Editor TinyMCE Rich Text one and everything seems to be working so I think that was the culprit - I also turned on guest editing for you on the General rG Updates Forum so you should be able to mess with that one
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