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philipp buron
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Dec 3, 2015 - 4:09 pm

First thanks for your great piece of software.

First time i got a problem with the forum, but now im really stuck.

I read everything on Javascript conflict etc.

Problem is, ì´m a total noob when i comes to JS and PHP.


I can see that this js-file is causing a problem, if it is THE problem.... i dont know

THe Problem Firbug resolves it this one:

return $link.attr('href').split('#')[1];


As i´m a new paying member i really really hope you can help, because my client isnt happy at all.


I deactivated all plugins, but there was no change.

I disabled the toolbox in functions.php

I cannot disable some plugins of the theme itslef.

contacting the theme editor did not work at all.

Theme, Wordpress and Plugins are up to date


Thanks in advance

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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Dec 3, 2015 - 4:31 pm

Is this one of the - it was working and now it isn't - type of question 🙂 ? because if it is the answer really is 'what has changed'? New WP plugin? Updated WP theme?

Yes it will be a script conflict - that seems certain. Can you give me a link to the forum page so I can see the source and console etc?

philipp buron
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Dec 3, 2015 - 4:35 pm

No it isnt.

It was not working on the page since installation.


What i fund out so far is that if i delete jquery.nav.js, the problem firebug shows lies in main.js,

if i just delete that one as well, the forum works.

Strangly the page itself works as well, but i cant see the footer on some pages.

Which will be not really acceptable for him.


Please help, i just payed for it;)

adress is


P.s. i will but the js files back in, so you can see the errors.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Dec 3, 2015 - 4:55 pm

Well I am afraid the problem does start with jquery.nav.js which is causing the first error and that is stopping other jQuery calls to function. It is worth noting that this error is showing up on ALL pages so it is fundamental and pretty important to get resolved.

I note you say this leads to other errors but tracing these things is always a one step at a time process. I have not encountered jquery.nav.js before but if you look at the source code you will find:

* jQuery One Page Nav Plugin
* Copyright (c) 2010 Trevor Davis (

so maybe you will find Mr Davis more helpful than the theme authors although it is they who are bundling it with their WP theme and most likely they who are creating the error.

philipp buron
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Dec 3, 2015 - 4:58 pm

So no further aid from your side?

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Dec 3, 2015 - 5:45 pm

If you can think of anything we could do to help then please do make suggestions. But we don't know the code or the theme or what is causing the error. In this case it isn't even a conflict with forum code as it is happening in all pages.

The theme is loading the Bootstrap library as well which is a totally unsupported lib as far as Wordpress goes and can often cause other damage to jQuery UI components although that looks not the case here. And as you already noted - underneath the first error there may be others waiting to be revealed.

The problem starts with the WP theme I am afraid - possibly the way they are loading components or initialising them. And of theme authors don't offer any support to fix errors then my advice would be to change themes although I do realise that can be difficult.

Sawtry, UK
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Dec 3, 2015 - 5:46 pm

Not at all, in fact we will always do all we can to get you up and running.. With something like this though we can't make the decision for you whether you want to keep using the theme or not.

For example if a WP plugin or theme is loading it's own version of jquery, possibly an outdated version or a library that's not supported by WP - it will potentially cause conflicts with plugins that adhere to WP standards such as Simple:Press.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Dec 3, 2015 - 6:44 pm

we are still here... but we cannot really fix your wp theme... is it up to date and current with wp?  the js file you reference is dated 2010...  jquery has changed tremendously since then so its possible its out of date...  

and since that file is throwing a js error on every page and not just the forum, seems to indicate a general issue and not related to simple press...  simple press uses more jquery than a typical wp theme or plugin, so you may not have had issues caused by the errors until now...

do you know what that js does on your site?  is it even used?

philipp buron
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Dec 3, 2015 - 6:53 pm

Well thanks  alot for your help.

No aktually i cant see a bit js does on that site.

I think i will just dleete these files and have a look what the client says,

although it is really not my intention of delivering a site with errors,

but they insist of using this theme.


I´lll let you know if i find a solution.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Dec 3, 2015 - 7:13 pm

Depending on what that js actually does, you might be able to just disable it on the wp page the forum is on...

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