Support Forum
When a user makes a purchase, he is automatically added to a usergroup using the following code (I pass the usergroup id through the url). Anyway, it used to work in 5.0 alpha, but stopped working after I upgraded to beta. Can you please tell me what's wrong with it (I think the include paths are wrong..but I can't figure out where they are now)...
<?php $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path .= "/wp-content/simple-forum/library/sf-common-functions.php"; include_once($path);
$path1 = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path1 .= "/wp-content/simple-forum/library/sf-primitives.php"; include_once($path1);
$path2 = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path2 .= "/wp-content/simple-forum/library/sf-permissions.php"; include_once($path2);
$path3 = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path3 .= "/wp-content/simple-forum/library/sf-database.php"; include_once($path3);
$user_id=$_REQUEST['userid']; sfc_add_membership($usergroup_id, $user_id);
Hey Chica! Thank you for joining our Celebrity Photographer's 4-week Critique. You have been added to your photographer's private classroom in the forum <a href="http://<?php echo $_REQUEST['forumlink']; ?>">(http://<?php echo $_REQUEST['forumlink']; ?>)</a>. You may need to logout and login again in order to see the posts.
That would never have worked in V5...
First problem is that the 'simple-forum' folder is named 'simple-press' in V5 so that accounts for the path problems.
Next however is that all of those included files are now different. Different names, different locations.
And finally the sfc_add_membership function, while needing the same two arguments, is now called sp_add_membership().
Depending on where you are calling this from then I think if you call the function:
The that should load the support you need to call the add membership function.
right after your assignments to $user_id and $usergroup_id, try adding this:
vshow('uid = '.$user_id);
vshow('ugid = '.$usergroup_id);
should at least show us if the values are correct... and please check forum - toolbox - error log and see if any errors preset... you may want to clear it first, then try to make that code execute and look back at the error log...
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