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Hi not sure if this is intentional but if I have a few unread posts showing in the admin bar the mark all topics as read icon does not function. Also when hovering over the icon tooltip shows as undefined. Clearing out the admin postbag seems to restore normal functionality.
Is this intentional due to the the admin post bag taking priority
correct. intended behaviour. the unread list and postbag are distinct lists.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
If they are distinct lists then why can't they operate independently? It's not a big deal because in our case there are only 2 admins and due to the relatively low number of posts we probably don't really need the admin bar.
However if I wish to mark all posts as read using the icon then surely I realise what I am doing and that it would be reasonable to empty the unread messages in the admin post bag?
Like I say no big deal but interested in why you would make it so? I'm probably missing something obvious.
because the postbag is one list for ALL admins and moderators...
the unread list is for your user ONLY... each user has their own, distinct, individual unread list...
so if another admin clears something in the postbag, it can still show up as unread to you in your unread list when you come to the forum...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
well yes... if one admin and its you... they could be very very similar...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
One other point worth mentioning are posts in moderation (if you use this feature). On your 'personal' new posts list you may read a post in moderation but as you are also an admin it will not be removed until the post is actually approved. This is largely to stop it falling down the back of the fridge and being forgotten.
so, why do you need the admin bar plugin?? am I missing something? just remove it and use the quicklink or unread popup list...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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