Support Forum
OSX Version 10.7.2 Build 11C74
Safari Version 5.1.1 (7534.51.22)
WP 3.3 beta 2
Only change.... I don't dare to say it... I also updated WPTouch-Pro, but the problem persists when I disable that plugin.
It turns out that the plugin FAQs from Tribulant Software is the culprit for both problems... This plugin hasn't been updated recently however.
Yellow Swordfish said
Ah excellent. I have just been trying with my Safari (all the same versions as you) without issue.
So - good news.
Minor issue, but when clicking on global admin option help, it states that it will appear on the right of the post. after trying it with 2 themes, I found that it pops up to the left of the post. In the help section you may want to include a picture of the icon and explain that it will be on the left only after a hover.
There are probably going to be a few more like this that remain to be checked and corrected.
The problem with this one, of course, is that it could be left, right, centre or anywhere depending upon the theme template being used. And the icon is just a default which can also be changed by the end user....