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I have another update:
I've tried to deactivate all sp plugins and reactivated one by one making this double check:
- activate 1 sp plugin
- update profile tabs admin screen (if nothing changed, go to step 3)
- reset profile tabs with toolbox cleanup
- repeat point 2 (check on forum admin profile tabs screen)
I ended with this assumption:
each time I activate Subscription plugin and then reset profile tabs, tabs are broken.
Instead of all default tabs (like other resets) I have just 2 tabs:
- Watches
--- Manage watches
And they does remains in Italian (I've changed the names inside tabs)
(Does a "reset" means tabs names should come back in default english?)
This let me think that maybe there's something wrong on Subscriptions plugins or in its language file?
This topic links with this ather issue I'm facing on subscriptions:
last update,
following this conversation:
I've managed to manipulate serialized datas directly into db (table "wp_sfmeta" Meta type "profile" Meta key "tabs")
so I've been able to add the missing "Forum Subscriptions" tab
and subscriptions (related to this post: are working
but all this story looks like black magic to me
are you using a localized language? if so which one?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
with the French one, we found an error with the wp glotpress translation... does the subscriptions string (I think thats the one causing you the problem) translated have any non alpha characters in it? such as a single quote '
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Surely is something related to Subscriptions translation files:
I did delete them from server and resetting tabs via toolbox is working.
I put them back and the error comes back again.
Actually there are many single quotes like this: '
But I'm sure they are present in many many many italian translations. we use them a lot... why the error comes up just with subscriptions ones?
Anyway I'll remove all single quotes from sp-subs-it_IT.po and then I'll feedback again.
Fixed: just removing single quotes from
and everything works nice... actually now I see some translation in subscriptions strings that were not translated before.
still valid question: Why this happens only with subscriptions plugin?
ps: all this edits fixed all problems on a mirror website. Unfortunately the issue related to my older post
is still open
good question. we are trying to get to the bottom of it. Another user re-ran PO-EDIT on the .po file from glotpress which indicates its not our translation data and the wp glotpress tool itself...
but we are still researching...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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