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Is your WP theme using Bootstrap? I do not believe so or there would l;ikely be other issues. Easy to check (View source - search for 'bootstrap').
I think you need to deactivate your WP plugins one at a time to find the issue. At least this might be the only recourse to finding what is going on.
It is weird but that can happen. WordPress loads plugins in the order in which they were activated. You have probably now changed that order which has automatically corrected a problem with one of them - possibly a script load it no longer has to do but would have caused problems if it had.
Some of my users reported problems with IE after the update, and I've checked and found the same on my PC. The text field isn't, well, a text field - it's not editable unless I disable TinyMCE.
I know we spoke elsewhere about problems with the Mentions plugin, but that isn't making a difference here. If I turn off Mentions I still cannot type in the field - it only works again if I disable the SP TinyMCE plugin. I've also tried disabling WP plugins but it didn't seem to make a difference.
Here's an error message I got in IE, in case it helps:
Message: Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus.
Line: 9
Char: 181
Code: 0
All other browsers seem to be fine, thankfully. I'd rather people didn't use IE at all but I can't really stop them.
Sorry, I should have said. I'm on Windows 7, running IE 8 (it's my work PC so I can't update the browser). I don't know about the user on my site who originally reported it - I can try to find out if it would help.
one other since its an ancient version of IE (yeah stuck with it at my work too), are you using our js cache? that version of IE has a limit of 32 css and js files that can be included for any one page.... you may be hitting it too - its not that many...
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One of the users says he's got Windows 7 and IE 8.0.7601.17514, so same as me. Still waiting to hear back from the other IE user.
I'm not caching and combining CSS or JS, as I found it caused problems (with, I think, the latest posts updates and stats panel not updating - can't quite remember).