Support Forum
3. februar 201413:58 | spaErrNotice | 1 | php
file: /simple-press/admin/panel-themes/forms/spa-themes-tablet-form.php |
3. februar 201413:58 | spaErrNotice | 1 | php
file: /simple-press/admin/panel-themes/forms/spa-themes-tablet-form.php |
3. februar 201413:58 | spaErrNotice | 1 | php
file: /simple-press/admin/panel-themes/forms/spa-themes-tablet-form.php |
3. februar 201413:54 | spaErrNotice | 3 | php
file: /simple-press/sp-startup/admin/spa-admin-framework.php |
I need to assign a post to a different user, and when I do enter the current user id noting happens.
You have lost me already! Where do you enter a current user id?
And I do see that I cant access the forum profile pages, I can accesses it when it’s a Popup window but not as a separate page. And if I do use a popup and want to edit it cant get any page.
Afraid I am confused here as well! Perhaps you could tell me what it is you are trying to do - what is happening and what it is you expect to happen?
I will note the notices thanks.
Sorry I meant the new user id, not the current.
So I do use the admin plugin to change and after entering the new user id its still the old current user id.
I just wanted to have a look at the user to se if there was something wrong after I was not able to assignee the forum post to the user, and I did realize that I current get any user profile pages
Really sorry - but I must be having an off day as I am still not following this...
'use the admin plugin to change' - What Admin plugin? And change where and how?
Let me see if I have this straight. So you click on a users profile and it opens in a popup - but when you then click on the 'edit user profile' link at the top then nothing happens? Is that correct?
It is 2 different ting and I do not know if they are related.
1: I want to change the user on a topic in a forum. And I did believe that this was something I needed the Admin Bar plugin or the Admin plugin to change, but maybe I am wrong and there is some other part that do that. But I do click on the icon and get up the menu on the left side and press assign this topic. I do enter the user id and noting happens. The topic is still assigned to the same user as before.
2: After the first problem I did want to have a look at the user and then I did se that I can't access the user profile page, no 404 or any thing just a blank page.
If I do set the user poflile to show as a popup, I do get the popup to show. But noting do happen if I want it to be a profile page,just a empty page.
If I do use a popup so I can se the user profile and presses edit user profile it starts to make a new page like the user profile page and noting happens, i just get a emty page, no 404 or any thing.
I do know that the user profile did work perfect before and I was also able to assignee a different user to a topic before, so maybe there is some link
OK - I like using the numbers so I will follow suit!
- There is no 'reassign' option at topic level so I am still very i=uncertain as to what you are using or trying to use. You CAN reassign a forum post - but nit a topic. Perhaps a screenshot of the tool you are trying to use would help me...
- OK - we have no other reports of an issue but let me test it here to see if I can replicate your problem...