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I know I have seen this, but I can't find it now. I am using thumbnails with popup enlargement. This is all I want, but if I click on the enlargement, it opens a new page. I think I can disable this. correct???
I assume you mean if you click on the image after it enlarges... If so, no, afraid there is no setting to change there... that is standard lightbox type approach for image links to be in new window... the image you click on is already in a little popup window, so it wouldnt be in there... I suppose it could be made to open in the current browser window after closing the dialog popup, but we just stayed standard here...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Thanks Mr. Papa, Just seems a little rough, if you already enlarged the image with popup enlargement, why would you want to open it in another window? Just seems quirke!
cannot please everyone! but this is typical scenario... upload large image... show thumbnail in post... click on it, it enlarges to medium size... click on the popup opens it as large, full size... maybe we can add that as an option in the future...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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