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what are the users typing? you need to type the user nicename... not the display name...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
nicename, not nickname...
or several others on the same topic...
we dont like using nicename rather than display name either... but until we can find a workable solution using display name, we are stuck with nicename... and we have looked and will be looking again... priority at the moment is 5.3 and then the mobile theme...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
nicename does not need to be kept private (though some folks like obfuscation)... but the nicename limiits what you can have for a display name... for example, I could not be Mr Papa but would have to be mr-papa...
If you like, there is no reason why you couldnt also display the nicename in the user info area... a pretty simple addition... in your functions.php file, add this:
add_filter('sph_user_class_meta', 'my_user_info');
function my_user_info($list) {
$list['user_nicename'] = 'name';
return $list;
then where you want to display the nicename in spTopicView.php, just add:
echo $spThisPostUser->user_nicename;
you may want to style it...
and as mentioned, we are continuing to discuss potential methods to try to use display name... its just going to have to wait for 5.3 release and some mobile theme activity...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I'm having a little trouble finding sp topic view... I checked in the plugin editor and didn't see anything. Is this something unlisted in the wordpress dashboard?
God I will be happy to have this fixed... it will be so nice to not have to look through a huge list, only to find the lack of what I'm looking for.
Thanks Mr. Papa
sp topic view is in your sp theme... so by default... wp-content/sp-resources/forum-themes/default/templates... replace default with your theme name...
of course, you can edit it via forum - themes - theme editor too... just not the wp theme editor...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World