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Hi, in my previous version off the Simple Press Forums (before 4.5) I had the Reply Box at the top of my forum. I had done this to move some code in the sf-topic-view.php file. Andy had told me what and how and I could change this for a long time. Now I would like to update my forum to the new version but can't find how to change it. Can you please assist me with this.
The code that I moved in the 4.4 version was:
# Display Add Post form (hidden)
if((!$topiclock) || ($current_user->forumadmin))
if($current_user->sfreply && $sfvars['displaymode'] == 'posts')
$out.= '<a id="dataform"></a>'."\n";
$out.= sf_add_post($sfvars['forumid'], $sfvars['topicid'], $topic['topic_name'], $topic['topic_status_set'], $topic['topic_status_flag'], $topic['user_id'], $topic['topic_subs'], $topic['topic_watches']);
you no longer need to edit core files to accomplish layout changes... simple press 5 features SP themes which operate much like a wp theme... so you just have to move around the display elements in your sp theme...
first, theme basics:
second, make your own theme instead of editing ours:
then in the theme, you will have template files that are just like wp theme templates with a hierachy... and they tend to have a loop, just like the wp loop...
so your are talking about topic view or the template file spTopicView.php in your theme template file folders... find where the reply window is displayed:
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spHiddenSection', 'editor');
sp_PostEditorWindow($addPostForm, $editPostForm);
sp_SectionEnd('', 'editor');
and simply move it where you want...
you can also review that template function at the codex:
to see what customization is available via arguments to the template function... the current two arguments $addPostForm and $editPostForm are defined at the top of the template file...
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