Support Forum
Hello! Several users in our forum are reporting that when they go into their profile to update things like "user identities" and "upload an avatar", the "update", "upload", etc. buttons simply aren't working (i.e. they click on them and nothing happens).
There are no errors being reported on the screen, and the problem seems to be sporadic. Any tips on why this might be happening? Have tried in several different browsers with the same result.
sporadic? as in random? sounds like server issue?
normally, I would suspect a js conflict, but that wont be random or sporadic... is it unique to any specific browser?
has it happened to you? try it with the browser console open and see what is reported when the buttons are clicked... the console will need to be open before you hit the button..
do you have a link to your site so we can look for obvious conflicts? (of course, we wont see profile area)...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I think I found out the issue: the message box that pops up to tell you that the changes have been saved (or an error message that maybe your image is too big to upload) pops up above the fold, so you actually have to scroll up really quick after you hit a button to realize that the system is recognizing it. Why is it that the message wouldn't pop up right in front of me? Is this a setting I can change?
The Success/Failure messages use Position: fixed and top: 20px rules so it should always be 20px from the top of the window. So... I can only suggest that something you have active is overriding this in some way although I must say I am not sure how or what. But my best guess would be a WP theme that is trying to be clever.
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well, if you want to provide yellow swordfish and myself a temp user account so we can see it happen and inspect we might be able to pinpoint the problem... if that works, send a pm to both of us with credentials and a link, and be sure to link back to this topic so we know what its about...
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