Support Forum

I recently had gConverter, merge two users together in SP (and WP) and all the post correctly merged, but the post count and the user that should be gone, is still showing up on Top Posters and with all post counts. But If I click on this user, his profile says hes a guest.
Any help?
sorry, merge two users??? there are not wp users and sp users... only wp users... we just use the wp users...
so not sure what you did...
but for every user entry (ie row) in the wp users table, there will be corresponding entry in the sfmembers table... this is not different users, but additional forum data... do you have a 1 to 1 mapping?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Both user in WP were merged together all post going to one If you click on Sal(12) from the Administrators menu at the bottom and View Profile and select topics I have posted in it will show 89. If you select salpst(242) from top posters it now shows this user as a guest with no posts. The merged worked, but some how the user post count has not updated.
Check it out -->
No, cant look... you dont allow guests to view profiles...
but you didnt answer my questions either... I have no idea what you did in merging two users... did the sp data get merged too?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

PM sent with log in info, As far as I know they did, gConverter converted over, they new what I wanted. Like I said, it lookl like it worked, but the post count has not updated.
is it really the post count? or the stats? are your stats updating?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
1 Guest(s)