Support Forum
I've uploaded the latest S:P version (5.1.4) via FTP and have confirmed that it's there (in the plugins folder).
I go to the WordPress plugins page and click "activate".
Then when I go to click "Install Simple:Press" under the new Forum menu, I get a 404 page not found error. FYI, no "Install" link shows up under the plugin entry (which from what I read is supposed to).
I've deleted and reinstalled everything a number of times, assuming it's an error on my part (as I am a bit of a rookie, but have successfully installed S:P before).
The only plugins I have running are Akismet and WishList...and WordPress Database Backup, but I've deactivated it just in case.
Thanks in advance for your help.
what is the name of the plugin within the plugins folder??? it MUST be simple-press...
if that is correct, what is the url for the 404 error? and what files/dirs do you see within the simple-press folder?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks for the quick reply.
the folder within the plugins folder that's it's in is "simple-press 5.1.4"
and the files/folders/dirs in that folder are:
- admin
- forum
- resources
- sp-api
- sp-startup
- .DS_Store
- License.txt
- simple-press 5.1.4
- sp-config.php
- sp-control.php
the url for the 404 error is
As I said, the folder MUST be called simple-press... please correct the name of the plugin.... not sure how you got that since the zip you download from us wont create it like that...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Not specific to your problem.
But if your new to WordPress, make sure your wp-config.php is read only, or optionally read write for the owner only. (400-600) permissions. Seen many a site get hacked because the config file is readable by the public. (ouch!)
- Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.