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Summary - I would hesitate to say that the TinyMCE plugin is the culprit. The new mentions plugin did not play well with it at all but since it seems to be working for others I would not blame it entirely either.
I have a fresh install sitting on another webserver with no plug in's installed in WP except Akismet and SP. I'll loat the new TinyMCE plugin and then start loading plugins one at a time until it breaks. If it doesn't then it's likely that one of the WP plugins that I'm running has a problem so I'll start loading those and see what happens.
It could very well be that one of the WP plugins is not compatible with version 3.9 and is at the root of the SP TinyMCE problems.
I have been testing clean install of wp tonight with just tinymce... then adding in mentions... no issues...
and wp is already compiling a list and its growing of plugins that dont work with 3.9 because of the tinymce editor change... like you, wont blame them yet since no data... but we are always testing with wp trunk (most of my test sites are already at wp 4.0) to head off any issues... and frankly, this was a major change for wp updating tinymce from 3.x to 4.x... we had to rewrite all tinymce plugins we had... so yeah, could be us, but would seem more universal... certainly dont want to minimize the handful of issues we have here, but its a super small fraction of the number of upgrades to 5.4.2... and I dont know very many of our users that dont use our tinymce plugin... but every environment is different..
so yeah, would love to hear what you find...
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It's important to note that although this was what was causing my SP TinyMCE plugin problem it may not be the WP plugin that is causing your problems.
Light Bulb goes on now.....
WordPress 3.9 includes a new Photo Gallery feature
Advice to other users with similar problems -
Look very closely at the new included features of WordPress 3.9. If you are currently using a plugin to accomplish the same thing that WordPress is now capable of doing on it's own, you might consider deactivating the plugin if you are having problems with any other plugins such as the simple press plugin, plugin's.
The method used to isolate this problem was to create a copy of the current website on another webserver and then migrate the data to another install of MySQL 56 CE. You could just create a new schema on the current data server and update it with the original data but this opens the door to all sorts of gremlins. It's best to do a fresh install of MySQL on the test webserver and then migrate the data to it from the original data server.
You must edit the wp-config file on the new web server so it points to the new SQL server and you must edit the wp_options table in the new schema and ensure that ALL references to the original website in that table now point to the new website and the folders where your new website originates from. This is imperative and can be time consuming. If you are using any type of redirection you need to be very careful or you could potentially be making changes in your live site. Take your time with this.
Before you begin deactivating plugins, make sure you observe the address that the browser is looking at. If you click on any part of your website and you notice it pointing to the live site then STOP and go back to the wp_options table and figure out what you missed.
Once you are sure you completely isolated from your Live site then go into the WP plugins and deactivate all of the plugins you have installed. Test the Forum and see if the problem has cleared. If it hasn't then the problem is likely in one of the forum plugins. You can deactivate them one at a time until the problem clears.
If the problem cleared up after you deactivated all of your WP plugin's then start by activating them one at a time and testing the forum after each activation. Hope you ate your Wheaties this morning because you mouse finger is going to get a workout. If you find one that cause a problem then deactivate it and keep going until you have tested all of your WP plugins.
Hope this helps someone.
shawn soden said
I had the exact same issue lastnight, thought it was the SP Tiny too, ended up being SP Avatar.
Based on what I know now, I would bet it's not actually the SP Avatar that's causing the problem but rather a conflict with a WP plugin that is not up to date for 3.9. If removing the SP avatar plugin solves your problem and your O.K. with not having it then it might be easier for you to just go with that as the solution.
Both Mr. Papa and I have fully tested all of the SP plugins against an out of the box install of WP 3.9 and Simple Press with all of the optional Simple Press plugins. I believe he tested on Apache and I've tested on ISS 7.5. Both of us came to the same conclusion in that without any WP plugins, Simple Press runs as it should.
I am not affiliated with Simple:Press or WordPress in any way so my testing is completely unbiased.
Thank you.
I am still puzzled though as we don't have an 'SP Avatar' plugin! We DO have a class of spAvatar used for CSS styling and an sp_Avatar() display function...
There seem to be quite a few WP plugins coming up in conversations that have not been updated to work with WP 3.9 properly. Sad but there you go.
Yellow Swordfish said
Thank you.
I am still puzzled though as we don't have an 'SP Avatar' plugin! We DO have a class of spAvatar used for CSS styling and an sp_Avatar() display function...
There seem to be quite a few WP plugins coming up in conversations that have not been updated to work with WP 3.9 properly. Sad but there you go.
I thought since I had a couple of minutes I'd check out his problem and realized the same thing. However, in the process and since an avatar is an image I decided to do few more tests evolving around the photo gallery issue.
I'm pretty sure that what we are looking at is a Lightbox issue. I tested a couple of other photo gallery plugins and only the ones that offered Lightbox functionality caused the TinyMCE to fail in my test environment. The new WP photo gallery feature does not offer a Lightbox option which makes me wonder why this popular feature wasn't included unless there is a known problem with it n 3.9.
I ran the tests again against a fresh build with clean data and the 2012 theme which I don't think uses Lightbox. The results were the same but I still can't definitely say it's the culprit, I'll watch the net and see if anyone else finds what I may have.