Support Forum
For some reason when a subscribers comes into the forum they will not be able to reply to a post created by the moderator, but they can still create a post and reply to there own?
Can reply to existing topics in a forum is selected as an option within the permission set.
Any ideas for a fix or is there a setting that has been missed?
Well the day was going so well! And along comes something weird like this that has never cropped up before!
I am going to have to ask some obvious questions just to clear them out of the way... largely because there is nothing really special about a moderator - they are just a regular user with a few special privileges. So,,,
'they can still create a post and reply to there own'. And can I assume then, that they can also reply to posts and topics made by other users that are not moderators?
And can you confirm that a user in question DOES belong to the user group with these permissions set to this forum...?
please show us a screenshot of you permissions... there are multiple posting permissions, including one that only lets them reply to theirs...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
You have set some conflicting permissions which will result in the most restrictive being applied. So you have set the permission 'Can only reply to own topics' which is going to override the permssion allowing them to reply to any topic.
You also have some conflicting permissions set in the viewing section. You have them limited to ONLY viewing a list of forums And only a lost of forums and topics.