Support Forum
The 'update' that took place in the WP update dashboard updates the physical code files to the latest versions. The actual database also needs an update to bring it up to the correct version. This is carried out via the menu item.
I have to say I have never seen or heard of this message being seen by anyone before so it comes as a bit of a surprise - especially as I assume you have had access to the forum menu options before this.
So - we need to check your account status on WP.
Can you visit the WordPress admin > Users > Your Profile page? At the bottom you should see a section entitled - I believe - 'Additional Capabilities' and over on the right these will be shown assuming there are any. Can you tell me what is there - copy and paste it here perhaps?
Pasting that here:
Additional Capabilities
Capabilities | SPF Manage Options, SPF Manage Forums, SPF Manage User Groups, SPF Manage Permissions, SPF Manage Components, SPF Manage Users, SPF Manage Profiles, SPF Manage Admins, SPF Manage Toolbox, SPF Manage Plugins, SPF Manage Themes, backwpup, SPF Manage Integration, SPF Manage Polls, SPF Manage PM |
That looks perfect,. Confirms you are still, as far as Simple:Press goes, a fully-fledged Simple:Press admin and, I assume, also a WordPress Administrator.
Which begs the question as to why WordPress (and it IS WordPress) will not let you access the forum menu options.
What about anything else that might have changed? While doing this site upgrade have you installed any new WP plugins? Or do you have one of the so-called Security plugins active that might be making a block? Anything else new or changed?
I'm not trying to be confusing. I did answer an earlier question about the forum menu by saying Yes, I could access it.
What I couldn't do is update the SP Database. Since I couldn't do that, I didn't think I should continue with the rest of the plugin updates.
I just now went to the Plugins page and it is showing SP as not updated. Here's what is showing there:
Simple:Press |
Fully featured but simple page-based forum
However, I have updated it (but have not been able to update the SP database through clicking the hyperlink after doing the update).
Should I still update the plugins?
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