Support Forum
Hi, first of all thanks for the great forum...
My problem is that i´m buiding a community using simplepress + buddypress, i renamed the members page from "members" to "miembros" ( i´m spanish), and linked the forum links to buddypress... the problem is that once i click on the name user to go to the profie ig goes to and shows a 404 page, because the correct page should be profile
I would be very happy if anyone help me... thanks in advance and sorry for my poor english, i´m spanish.
really? wow, no clue you could change that... as you can tell, we are not buddypress folks...
you will have to use a filter to change it...
add_filter('sph_buddypress_profile', 'my_bp_profile_name', 10, 2); function my_bp_profile_name($site, $user) { $site = str_replace('members', 'miembros', $site); return $site; }
put that in your spFunctions.php file of your sp theme... if you are not using your own sp theme, we strongly urge you to make your own theme before proceeding... see:
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