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I'm using a custom registration form on my wordpress site. Simple press is using the css-only theme. When I'm not logged in, simple press shows a registration link which leads to wp-login.php?action=register . The problem is, this is not the page I need users sent to for registration. I need them to go to where my custom form is. How can I fix this?
Thank in advance,
fix? nothing to fix.. but you can customize it... everything is done in theme template files just like a wp theme...
so for the registration url, see:
both of those will be in your spHead.php template file of your sp theme...
as always, before customizing, be sure to create your own theme to not lose changes on updates.... see:
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Thanks Mr Papa first I want to say I'm sorry for being a total code newbie.
I made a copy of the theme css-only and successfully applied it, but I'm really having a hard time grasping the concept of filters and how to customize them. I'm sort of learning as I go with this website as it's the first time I've attempted to build my own Wordpress theme.
So I was wondering if you could help me get a better handle on what code exactly I need to put into spFunctions.php to make this I know I'm asking a lot but have mercy on me oh great one as I'm really trying hard to learn this stuff.
Thank you,
well this doesnt use filters... its just passing an argument to replace a default... so for the first one, in template file spHead.php change:
sp_RegisterButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Register'), __sp('Register'));
sp_RegisterButton('tagClass=spButton spRight&link=', __sp('Register'), __sp('Register'));
of course, change the url to your registration url...
for the second one, at the top of the same file is a login form array... change:
'showLostPass' => 1
'showLostPass' => 1, 'registerLink' => ''
again, change the url... that is adding another argument...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
glad its working! thanks for the update...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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