Support Forum
Hi there,
Do you have any experience of integrating Simple-Press with the MembersPress plugin (
I’m running MemberPress on a couple of sites to manage membership access to content and was hoping to use SP as a forum option instead of bbpress,
A basic configuration would be, say, three membership levels - Bronze, Silver, Gold.
There would be access to (WP) content depending on membership, so, say,
Bronze = Copy only
Silver = Copy plus audio
Gold = Copy plus audio plus video
and also specific forums, so
Bronze = Bronze Forum only
Silver = Bronze plus Silver fora
Gold = Bronze, Silver and Gold fora.
I can simply create rules for content access within Memberpress for such a configuration but I can’t seem to get the appropriate rules to work with SP.
An example would be that a Bronze membership would allow access to the group but as this url doesn’t actually exist within WP environment (only I can’t create an access rule for it.
Here’s how it’s managed with bbPress.
If integration with MemberPress is not possible, could such a configuraion be achieved with appropriate SP plugins or any other membership access plugins that you know of?
Thank for any insights that you can share
Afraid I am not familiar with that particular membership plugin... However, if it uses the standard wp hooks, and the user/user roles system, it should be compatible...
and the bronze forum url does actually exist in the wp environment, there just isnt a physical wp page for it... but the wp rewrite rules and canonical url for it all exist... it seems to assume wp pages are static which is a bad assumption...
but more to the point, if it uses wp users and roles, it should still be supportable... when it creates a membership level, does it also create a wp role? so when a user is granted membership, does it take on the wp role? if so, then you can simple map the wp role for the membership to the specific forum membership... so when user gets membership in site membership, it would also automatically gain access to the forum membership and have access to the forum...
even if this membership plugin decided to forego following wp user standardization, it may still be possible if it uses standard wp user hooks or fires its own hooks on gaining membership.. if it uses the wp user creation and update process, hooks will be fired that tell simple press something has happened with a user... or if it fires its own wp action/filter when a user gets membership, simple press could hook into this action/filter and take appropriate action to grant the user forum membership... this would require a very small plugin to watch for the hook and then take action...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks for the comprehensive answer.
I don't know the answers to the specifics that you raise on user/user-roles and will revert them to MemberPress support.
On other installations that I have, the access to content is managed by a subscription being active and, then, the access rules granted by that subscription. I don't think that user-roles are created for different memberships, but I'll find out.
Thanks again for your help.
let us know what you find out or if you have any more questions..
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
This just came in from MemberPress...
Can you not then just use our User Role addon to grant your users the roles you want? That addon will automatically add and remove the user role of choice based on the status of the membership. Just note that this addon works by adding the role you set in addition to whatever your Default WP user role is (e.g. subscriber), so keep that in mind.
Anyways, you can learn more about that addon here:
As to their question, we use the standard procedures for adding user roles that WordPress has. The exception tot his is the above addon.
So sounds like it's doable. I'm going to give it a go on a test setup.
Hi again.
I managed to get a basic site configured with different Group and Forum access by Membership using MemberPress (MP). A bit fiddly with multiple user groups and memberships, but doable with a clear head.
I need to test further with expired memberships as the first one didn't clear when membership was canceled in MP (user still showing as member in AdminCP>Forum>UserGroups>ManageUserGroups). I can't see any reason why it shouldn't work, so have set up a couple of tests to check further.
I see that you've reopened Memberships, which is good news as SP is now my prefered solution for the project that I'm working on. Are you open for bespoke devt work too?
A user/member will be deleted from the forum when the appropriate WP 'delete user' hook is actioned. If this is not being called by your membership plugin (as it should be) then that woiuld explain the problem.
The same applies to WP role changes if your SP user groups are mapped to WP roles. So again - if your membership plugin does not action the role change WP hook then the forum is unaware that anything has changed.